Having An Idea Is Great. But What We Need Is People Who Can Turn Ideas Into Business Institutions Ideas are a great point A. They are the first draft of any business. A raw reflection of an entrepreneur’s ambition to accomplish a goal. For every billion-dollar idea however, a diligent plan was pursued in […]
What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is one of the most promising fields for entrepreneurs to venture in the future. Did you know that 29% of the United States’ contribution to global warming is caused by fossil fuels and natural gasses that come from the electricity sector? These gases are called greenhouse gasses. They serve […]
Several internal and external factors go into making an innovative start-up. Some of these are in your hands, whereas others rely on your context and perhaps even, luck. Whatever factors may impact your access to success, this is a guide of standard procedures you should follow in order to run an innovative startup: Identify your […]