
Entrepreneurship in the Face of Change     The current rate of global change is greater than ever before, with knowledge creation expanding rapidly due to the increased interaction and communication brought about by the internet and communications technology. At the start of the 1900s, knowledge doubled approximately every 100 years. By 1945, knowledge doubled […]

Jordan’s longstanding focus on human capital development has become renowned the world over. From boasting one of the highest ratios of engineering graduates to population globally, to having similarly impressive numbers in medicine and ICT, it comes as no surprise that the Kingdom has been riding the waves of a highly educated and skilled workforce. In […]

Given today’s rapidly evolving world, we have become increasingly dependent on data. Data has emerged as a strategic asset for corporations and governments, without which the majority of institutions cannot function.  Data is also essential to the lives and wellbeing of individuals around the world. Banking information, health records, education transcripts and personal profiles are […]